Troubles of your Twenties

Posted on November 28th, 2013

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While many people may coast through their twenties, it can be a vital time to make important career choices.


Your twenties might just be the most influential time with regards to planning your career, it’s that time in your life when you need to start making adjustments and recognizing what works for you and what does not. Many young job seekers make similar mistakes while trying to manage their careers as they don’t seem to know what they really want.

If you learn how to properly manage your career early on in your life; the results may astonish you. Akhtaboot highlights the common mistakes employees make in their twentites and how to overcome them.

Starting Your Job Search Too Late

Fresh graduates who assume that they will get a job without too much effort often wait too long to begin the process. Ideally, university students should start looking for meaningful internships for the summer before they graduate. The best internships to get early on are with companies that have wide brand recognition; having big company names on your CV will open doors for you.

Choosing to Work at a Company for All The Wrong Reasons

Many employees in their early twenties prefer to choose to work at companies that offer the most flexibility in terms of time, free food, entertainment rooms and team outings. Those are all nice benefits, but not as much as the character of your direct manager. Great leaders will invest in you. Keep in mind that working for someone that demands excellence and purchases your limits everyday will build the most solid foundation for your ongoing career advancement. If you’re getting something from the job that will help you succeed, stay until you have enough of that, and then leave. Use it to get the next job with the better boss.

Staying Too Long in a Field That is Not Right For You

Candidates in their early twenties tend to think that once they land their first job, they are stuck there for at least a year for fear of employment gaps showing in their CV. When starting a job early on your career, you should be building it around a field that you really want to pursue. But once you realize you are not in the right place, figure out how to get out of it as soon as possible. Don’t worry so much about lost time, because employers are willing to take risks on you while you are still young and fresh. But by the time you reach your thirties employers start to look sideways at employee who are still searching for what they want to do.

Thinking You are Entitled

Another major misconception that is popular among younger employees is the attitude of entitlement. You have to earn what you get. This obvious fact is often overlooked by the many young job seekers. They think employers should hire them because of their award winning personality. You have got to have a little something to show for yourself in order to stand out from the crowd so that you are potential employer will actually listen to what you have to say. A great CV is the best place to start.

Your Twenties are Not Practice Time

Take your life seriously enough to do things in your twenties that will last into your thirties. Focus on using a systematic way to try new jobs and new relationships to figure where you fit. Don’t put off starting to build a career; the sooner you start out in an industry and role that you like, the sooner you can start growing into a long-term satisfying career.
