Crossed Communication

Posted on December 1st, 2013

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Crossed Communication

People Skills

Having great communication skills is crucial for everyone in the professional world. Communication is definitely not only about the words you say; you can have an excellent vocabulary and still be a bad communicator. While some people are naturally gifted when it comes to communication, others need to work on it in order to be viewed as potential leaders and get promoted into top jobs. Even the best of us sometimes miscommunicate, miss the point, cause an unintentional reaction, or avoid a messy discussion altogether. Who hasn’t left a discussion thinking that things went in the wrong direction? The good news is that it’s a universal struggle. Akhtaboot reveals some of the common communication mistakes at the workplace and what you can to avoid them.

Mistake # 1 – Not Editing Your Work

When it comes to written communication, spelling and grammar mistakes can make you look careless and unprofessional. That’s why it is essential to check all of your work-related emails, messages or chats before you send them. Don’t rely on spell checkers; they won’t pick up words that are used incorrectly or phrases that don’t make real sense. Instant, proofread your work more than once, use a dictionary if you are unsure of some words and you may even read your work outlawed as it makes it easier to catch typos and wrong sentences.

Mistake # 2 – Body Language Miscommunications

Most of us think that communication is mostly done through words or in written. This is not actually the case as body language, including your hand movements, eyes and facial expressions often says things louder than your mouth. Using body language inappropriately can send mixed signals to those who pick up these hints. An employee who does not understand body language, for example, may not notice a client’s slightly raised eyebrows and wondering eyes during a meeting, which would cause him to miss the fact that the client is feeling uncomfortable, vary or distant. Another important move that you need to mind is that crossing your arms while someone is speaking can send signals that your mind is close to what they are saying, regardless of whether that is the case or not. Watch your body language to avoid misunderstandings.

Mistake # 3 – Avoiding Difficult Conversations

At some point in your career, you will need to give negative feedback or bad news to one of your peers, your subordinates or even your boss. It is surely tempting to avoid these conversations, but this might cause further problems if you decide to hide it. When it comes to such scenarios, preparation is important. Learn to give clear, actionable and constructive feedback to the person you are addressing without insulting them as a person.

Mistake # 4 – Not Keeping An Open Mind When Meeting New People

Today’s workplace is a mix of people from different ages, religions, ethnics and backgrounds. These differences create a rich environment of experience and opinions that greatly enhance your working life. However, it can sometimes be tempting to stereotype people unintentionally, or to make assumptions about them based on just a few pieces of information. Assumptions stand in the way of open communication, because you don’t consider the other person’s own unique background, personality and experience. Overtime, this can start to jeopardize your relationship with them. Learn to have an open mind, listen carefully, and give the person in front of you the space to talk and express their own opinions.
