CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in Sinhala

CSS Animations in Sinhala

 Hits: 531

Table of Contents
00:00 - Intro
02:02 - transform Property
04:44 - 3D Effects
06:52 - keyframes Animations
08:15 - animation-name / animation-duration Properties
08:58 - animation-fill-mode Property
09:45 - animation-timing-function Property
10:50 - steps() Animation Timing Function
11:35 - cubic-bezier() Animation Timing Function
12:58 - animation-iteration-count Property
13:48 - animation-direction Property
14:30 - animation-delay Property
15:00 - Shorthand of CSS animation Property

Animation Timing Functions Example on CodePen.io

CubicBezier Function Website:

Categorised Under:
CSS (Cascade Style Sheets)